Serravalle Scrivia
Architectural Project
FormTL / Canobbio Textile
Membrane Project
Canobbio Textile
600 mq
PVC mesh Ferrari
Shading structures
Canobbio Textile Services
Supply of complete carpentry, rope system, processed sheets, tensioning system, installation.
Serravalle Outlet drape
For us at Canobbio Textile – this project was of unique strategic importance considering the tensile structure installation site located at the famous Serravalle Designer Outlet which houses 250 stores and 5,000,000 visitors a year.
Basically, Europe’s largest shopping outlet. The tensile structure was built to shade an approximately 600 m2 recreational area and consists of a mesh of flat quadrangular cables with edge cables positioned at about 6 metres high.
The cable mesh is connected to 7 perimeter columns and to two central columns.
Each quadrangular mesh grid consists of 2 triangular sails designed and produced using a high-performance French mesh membrane made by Ferrari.
As regards this project, we – at Canobbio Textile – supplied and installed the entire structure made of metalwork, the cable mesh, the triangular membrane sails and all fastening details.